
"Про викладання іноземних мов у 2020-2021 навчальному році"  
English week for 6 - 11th Forms                                                                       “ Tea day”                                                              presentation                                                           for 10 th  B form                                                       Monday(18.11.2019      ...
Конспект Відкритого уроку англійської мови у 6 класі Theme of the lesson: My school life. Present Simple Tense. The Objectives: •         to practices pupils’ oral speech based on familiar grammar structures •         to activate pupils’ vocabulary •         to develop pupils’ language skills using interactive forms (group work, games, reciting poems, singing songs, etc •         to develop pupils’ thinking, imagination and creativity. Equipment: -          blackboard, computer, projector, screen, handouts. PROCEDURE Greeting Teacher: Good morning dear children! How are you? Pupils: Good morning dear teacher! Good morning, how are you? Warming Up Teacher: Thank you. You look nice today. Them I would to thank our gests for coming. Were you in time for school today? What...