
"Про викладання іноземних мов у 2020-2021 навчальному році"  
English week for 6 - 11th Forms                                                                       “ Tea day”                                                              presentation                                                           for 10 th  B form                                                       Monday(18.11.2019                                                                       English lesson 6th form                                        English movie day                                             (11 th form)                                       What do you know about England?                                              Presentation “Wonderful England ”                                                        (9 th form)
Конспект Відкритого уроку англійської мови у 6 класі Theme of the lesson: My school life. Present Simple Tense. The Objectives: •         to practices pupils’ oral speech based on familiar grammar structures •         to activate pupils’ vocabulary •         to develop pupils’ language skills using interactive forms (group work, games, reciting poems, singing songs, etc •         to develop pupils’ thinking, imagination and creativity. Equipment: -          blackboard, computer, projector, screen, handouts. PROCEDURE Greeting Teacher: Good morning dear children! How are you? Pupils: Good morning dear teacher! Good morning, how are you? Warming Up Teacher: Thank you. You look nice today. Them I would to thank our gests for coming. Were you in time for school today? What did you take with you put into your backpacks? Do you prepare for the lesson today? Do you know the theme of our lesson today? Teacher: So, don’t waste time. Let’s begin. T